Ag Outlook 2025

Thank you for joining us at Ag Outlook 2025!

Ag Outlook 2025

Wheat under a magnify glass. Stark & Mark and Innovation logos below.


  • 8:00 a.m. – 8:30  a.m. – Registration
  • 8:30  a.m. – 8:40  a.m. – Welcome
  • 8:40  a.m. – 10:00  a.m. - World Economic Outlook – Brad Magnusson
  • 10:00 a.m. – 10:15  a.m. – Break
  • 10:15  a.m. – 11:00  a.m. – Ask the Experts Speaker Panel
  • 11:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m. – Cattle Outlook – Brad Magnusson
  • 12:00 p.m – 1:00 p.m – Lunch
  • 1:00 p.m – 2:00 p.m. – Carbon Credit 101 - Marty Seymour
  • 2:00 p.m. - 3:45 p.m. - Commodities Outlook – Brad Magnusson
  • 3:45 p.m. – Closing Comments

Meet Our Keynote Speakers

Brad has spent the last 39 plus years working with producers and businesses to create strategic business strategies that enhance profitability.

Brad is the CEO of Magnusson Consulting Group providing market intelligence to a variety of businesses on a global basis.

Brad has held senior positions with multi-national financial institutions, government lending institutions, and Credit Union central of Manitoba.

Brad has spent all of his working career providing global agricultural analysis and market intelligence. He is responsible for the analysis and forecasting of macroeconomic and financial market developments, grain and livestock market analysis in Canada, the United States and key overseas economies.

Brad has traveled extensively working with over 800 producer groups, businesses & credit unions to present seminars, workshops and courses in every corner of the Canada and the U.S.

He has been a keynote speaker at the American Bankers Conference, Credit Union National Banking Conference and a past board member of the Manitoba & National Agrologist Association and past board member of Manitoba Rural Adaptation Council.

Marty Seymour has 25 years experience in business development and finance. In Mr. Seymour’s previous role with Farm Credit Canada, he engaged with national industry associations, government officials, and industry influencers to help advance the interests of Canadian agriculture in areas of Carbon Management, Carbon Sequestration and First Nations Agri-Business.

In Marty’s role as CEO of Canadian Western Agribition, Marty was instrumental in positioning Regina as an international agriculture centre of excellence. Mr. Seymour has been involved in multiple trade missions to South East Asia, Australia, and the US. He has held various Board posts over the years including the economic development board seats of First Nations and Innovation Saskatchewan and currently sits on the University of Saskatchewan's Board of Governors.

Marty’s reputation as a connector and thought leader recently earned him the distinction of Canadian Western Agribition's Top 50 in Canadian Agriculture for his contribution to the industry.

Marty was also a recipient of the Queen’s Platinum Jubilee Medal for his contributions in agriculture.

What past attendees found beneficial about Ag Outlook:

Easy to View Online

“I am grateful for events like these! Thank you for having the event and allowing it to be online was amazing!”

– Sarah

Helpful Global Outlook

“Got a better understanding of how the Global Market works and how it affects our farming operation.”

- Joni

Great Speakers

“The event was very relevant, and the speaker did a thorough job on his topics.”

– Joshua

Have more questions?

Our Business Advisors are thrilled to help you with your ag business needs. Reach out with any questions or concerns you have.