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Redeemable GIC, TFSA, or Savings Account

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Two mobile phones are side by side. One displays a photo of an apple on its screen. The other displays a photo of an orange.
 Redeemable GICTFSASavings Account
Interest RateMedium

Low if TFSA savings account

High if non-redeemable, long-term investment

FlexibilityHigh (can access money anytime)

Low if non-redeemable, long-term investment

High if TFSA savings account

High (can access money anytime)
Tax SavingsPay taxes on interest earnedPay NO taxes on interest earnedPay taxes on interest earned
Deposit Minimum$1,000

No minimum requirement for TFSA savings account

$1,000 for longer-term investment

No minimum requirement
Deposit MaximumNo maximumCan contribute $6,000/year and a total of $75,500 since inceptionNo maximum
Monthly Fee$0$0$0
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Calculators on the site are made available to you as tools for independent use and are not intended to provide investment advice. We cannot and do not guarantee their applicability or accuracy. All examples are hypothetical and are for illustrative purposes only. Please contact us directly to seek personalized advice from qualified professionals for all personal finance issues.